Tournament Rules – ROS-NimoTV Philippine Champions League S1

Qualifiers Format & Rules






Grand Finals:


Items Drop Rate Settings:


Tournament Rules:


Compensation Points:


Map 1 = 6 Kills

Map 2 = 8 Kills

Map 3 = Disconnected

6+8 = 14 divided by 2 = 7

Since 7 points is less than the points per kill (which is 15 points), it will be automatically 15 points.

Max compensation is 105 points.

Points Breakdown:

In Case of tied points:

When there is tied points between the teams, the following in order will determine the rank.

  1. Team with higher total kill
  2. Team with higher final round total points
  3. Team with higher rank in the final round.

Live Stream:

Cash Prize:

• Total: PHP 325,000 + over PHP 175,000 worth of in-game items
• Champion: PHP 100,000 + 4x Monster-M1
• 2nd Place: PHP 80,000 + 4x Pegasus-I
• 3rd Place: PHP 50,000 + 4x Blazing Flash A1
• 4th Place: PHP 40,000 +4x Monotint Monkey
• 5th Place: PHP 30,000 + 4x Monotint Monkey
6th Place: PHP 25,000 + 4x Monotint Monkey
• 7th Place: 2000 Diamonds + 4x Fuzzinator
• 8th Place: 2000 Diamonds + 4x Fuzzinator
• 9th Place: 2000 Diamonds + 4x Fuzzinator
• 10th Place: 1600 Diamonds + 4x Jack O’Helmet
• 11th Place: 1600 Diamonds + 4x Jack O’Helmet
• 12th Place: 1600 Diamonds + 4x Jack O’Helmet
• 13th Place: 1000 Diamonds + 4x Street Walker
• 14th Place: 1000 Diamonds + 4x Street Walker
• 15th Place: 800 Diamonds + 4x Street Walker


  1. Participation is at your own risk. PARTICIPANTS must follow the rules, use caution, and take care of PARTICIPANT’S own health. ORGANIZERS are not liable for any losses in relation to the event, directly or indirect, for example in case of a canceled event, electrical failure or similar. No person or persons shall hold MET liable.
  2. Each participation is a binding contract to abide by the rules or the ORGANIZERS will reserve the right to ban the participant.
  3. ORGANIZERS reserves the rights to without further notice change the rules.
  4. Each PARTICIPANT must follow the instructions from ORGANIZERS.
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